Okay so. Beware this blog post might be a little sensitive. So to people who will be reading don't take offense to this.
There is a book titled "Man are from Mars and Women are from Venus" which shows how man and woman are so different in almost everything they do, think, act and many more. Same goes when it comes to communication and language, both man and woman uses different ways to communicate or use language. This may be a positive or negative thing.
From the book it is said that men are more logical and women are more emotional, thus when communication takes place men are more results oriented and prefer a more straightforward approach with the easiest route to the end, while women tend to communicate in a manner that is conducive and focused on building and salvaging relationships.
As that is said, we could tell that man and woman perceive things very differently. Something said by man for example could be taken in a totally whole different meaning by a woman. I guess God made man and woman different to compliment each other. Personally, I think there are many times this difference could lead to horrible stuff happening especially when it is communication in a relationship.
Example in this situation where a couple who just fought and before ending the fight the girl told the guy to have a day to think and work things out the next day. This is an example of how a conversation went so wrong with so little words.
Girl: So, what do u have to say for yourself.
Guy: I have nothing to say.
Girl: That shows that u just don't care about us.
Guy: I do care.
Girl: No, u don't. If you did you would try to say something.
Guy: Whatever i have in mind will make things worse.
Girl: Fine then. Don't talk to me.
Sounds cheesy? Yeah well cheesy or not, I can assure you it does and has happen.So you see, for the guy he just doesn't want to make things worse by not saying so much (easy way out) but for the girl, she takes it as he doesn't care about their relationship (emotional). Which in this case could totally wreck a relationship, due to the difference in man and woman in communicating. Especially if they aren't talking face to face! E.g: internet relationships.
This proves a statement in the book "Man are from Mars and Women are from Venus" that states, "Women are also more inclined to talk things out than a man would. Women want to resolve conflicts, or perceived conflicts, by discussing various aspects of the situation. They want to rehash the topic over and over until it has been worked over and wrung dry of useful information. Men, on the other hand, tend to clam up, preferring to refrain from discussing the issue, or "saying their piece" and then moving on. This can cause problems between men and women because the man shuts down and the woman feels neglected."
Okay well, besides love based relationship, these kind of misunderstanding can also happen between any man and woman whether they are friends or families. Whether its some jokes that may be taken too far, or comments that are took too sensitively it can happen between the same gender too as 2 people usually have different perceptions. But since we are talking about gender difference, to a girl when guys make a mistake, guys are jerks! (totally true in my state of mind right now, so don't mind me) and for guys when girls make a mistake, girls are just being too sensitive.
Let's talk a little of biology. "Gender Difference in Language Appear Biologically" is the title of research done by the Northwestern University and the University of Haifa. According to their findings, language processing is more sensory in boys and more abstract in girls. Also, the researchers found that girls still showed significantly greater activation in language areas of the brain than boys. Which tells us? Haha. Well its obvious, so i ain't stating it.
1) Northwestern University, 2008, Boys' And Girls' Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological, ScienceDaily, online, retrieved on 13th September 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/03/080303120346.htm
2) Leslie, T. ,2008, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus!, retrieved on 13th September 13, 2008, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Men-
Language? There is more more to it then you think! Human language is unique in being a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited..A word or symbol are sounds or things which have meaning given to them by the users. For example when you say dog you think of a furry, four legged animal with a wagging tail. Now think of these word, canis, perro, chien, or hund. What do you make of them? They are all actually words for dogs in European language. This shows that in diff. parts of the world, language and symbols varies in meaning and interpretation.
When something is said the meanings depend on where and when it is used.
Language is and will constantly evolve as time pass by. Language change in response of social and historical conditions. For example, the English word "nice" now generally means pleasing, agreeable, polite, and kind. In the15th century it meant foolish, wanton, lascivious, and even wicked.
Now if you language think have no rules you're wrong! Language is the set of rules for generating speech (Speech and Language NOT the same thing).Language is actually govern by a few rules, phonological rules (how you pronounce something, which is not taught to us but we are definitely following them sub-consciously ), syntatic rules ( is how a sentence is structure, in diff language a sentence structure can be diff. even if it means the same thing), semantic rules and pragmatic rules.
Just a short look at the human brain. Many studies have been done to learn more about part of the brain that controls speech and language. Though these studies were only conducted after many realises that several people have communications problem.
Research done by Marc Dax in 1836 shows that patients with damage to Broca’s area located at the left frontal cortex can understand language, they generally are unable to produce speech because words are not formed properly, thus slurring their speech.
In 1876, Carl Wernicke discovered that language problems also could result from damage to another section of the brain which is ‘Wernicke’s area’ located in the posterior part of the temporal lobe . Damage to Wernicke’s area results in a loss of the ability to understand language. Thus, patients can continue to speak, but the words are put together in such a way that they make no sense. Interestingly, in most people (approximately 97%) both Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area are found only in the left hemisphere, which explains the language deficits observed in patients with brain damage to the left side of the brain.
Language is a powerful tool and one should never under estimate it's ability. Language can and will reflect many things about a person. Language reflects ones power and affliliation whether you can converge or diverge when in diff social groups. Besides that it reflects your interest and attraction towards something. Also how you use language can reflect how responsible you are as a person in any kind of situations.
1) Dennis O'Neil, 2006, What is Language?, online, retrieved on 10th September 2008, from http://anthro.palomar.edu/language/language_2.htm.
2) Brad Harrub, Bert Thompson & Dave Miller, 2006, The Origin of Language and Communication, online, retrieved on 10th September 2008, from http://www.trueorigin.org/language01.asp.
Naughty librarian you might think.... Nope, she the republican vice president nominee for the upcoming american elections.
This person here looks like the typical musician who droped out of school to persue his childhood dreams of playing in a band and making money out of it.... but in actual fact this person, Fred Mascherino, has a degree in jazz guitar from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
-jia wei-
Body language is another type of communication known as non verbal communication......Not to be confused with sign language ( the type of communication for the deaf and dumb ) as well as normal people who are interested in learning it. All of us use body language everyday sometimes without even realising that were showing it.
When one looks at his watch from time to time in the middle of a conversation means he wants to or has to make a move whether the conversation is boring or not.
Folding or crossing your arms can mean that one may be in deep thought of the conversed subject. It can also indicate that this person may be showing a sign of not wanting to cooperate.
Not sitting still or playing with your fingers indicates that you are nervous or i can mean that youre bored.
Looking straight into someone's eyes with your mouth gaping with awe means youre shocked or amazed by what has been said.
done by chin jia wei :)
i owe one post for the first week.
like i said in my previous post, communication can either be verbally or non verbally done.
the dumb can't communicate verbally.
therefore, they use hand signals.
there are classes for us to learn hand signals.
most of us, the lucky ones may use non verbal signals in order for someone else to understand us from a distance or near. such as nodding or shaking our heads.
not only that,
our body language tellls people about us at that moment.
arms crossed sends a message to the other person that he /she is bored.
body gestures tells us whether he/she is nervous or confident.
and many more..
basically, body language is important when communicating with others..
so, if you see negative respond then stop and vice versa.
For tutorial B class we had a game called human cluedo organised by alric, kat,jov, andy and Vinson . we had to interview them and find out who killed kat and their personalities.
Instead of solving the mystery, the whole class burst out in laughter and tears and the game was kinda spoilt.
Why? Well, different characters came up with different stories.
This game is related to perception.
Perception is a process of noticing, organising and interpreting data about people, events, activities and situation.
For example,
If a girl wears a super mini skirt and a tube, she is most probably categorised as desperate, cheap, whore, etc etc.
Yes? No?
Example 2,
A man’s body covered with tattoo, he is more likely to be a gangster, a mafia, a rapist, etc etc .
Wouldn’t you think so?
Well, she might be modelling for a company’s clothes line or she might be feeling very hot.
He may assume that tattoo is art or some moments in his life he wants to remember and cherish.
No doubt almost everyone perceive about others before getting to know them every day. We may be right or wrong.
So how do we manage impression?
Appearance is IMPORTANT!! You can’t wear your house clothes to office or interviews right? Or else people would think you are a slob and the list goes on. In order to get the right face to face impression,
pick a proper outfit
to a correct place
with proper manners.
For instance,
College.. you can’t possibly wear your pyjamas to college and talk to lecturers using foul language. Or else no one will respect you, and say bye bye to your impression....
reference for the images,
About Us
- Ashikin Yee, Marcia, Jia Wei, Jacqueline
- We're 4 Student studying in Mr.Murali's Human Communication class at HELP UC.
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