Week 1(Part 1): Eye Opener  

"Communication is the process of humans responding to symbolic behavior."
(So say the syllabus)

That's the first thing I learned in my Human Communication lecture. When I think about the word 'Commun
ication' the first thing that comes to my mind is people speaking and listening but now I know it's definitely more than that.

Human Communication is also knows as Anthroposemiotics.
Short history on human communication: Human communication dated back as early as there were signs of life. The earliest way of human communication that was known is by speech which was believed to be about 200,000 years ago then symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago, and writing about 7,000.

There are 5 types of Human Communication.
Intrapersonal Communication which is when one communicate with their own self. Apparently it's important and we do it everyday whether you want to admit it or not.
Interpersonal/Dyadic Communicationis when communication is done with another person.
This we definitely do everyday, unless like one is in solitary confinement or something.
Small group Communication is communication between a group of people (usually 3-5) or depending on situation.
Public Communication is the type of communication where one individual speaks to many individuals and will occasionally get feedbacks.
Mass Communication is where an individual or a group communicates with a huge number of people (whole country or world) through the use of mass media. Now this is something I wish to study more about and get a career in the field later on.

Communication satisfy the basic human needs including physical needs, social needs, identity needs and practical needs. With that it is also stated that communication can and does satisfy other needs too (e.g: religous needs) which may vary depending in the 'organization' one lives in.

Now an eye opener for me, while talking on this particular subject Mr.Murali brought up and example. In the movie I AM LEGEND there was a scene where Will smith started talking to mannequins. Now without actually thinking much about the theory in Human Communication, what would you think? Before i was 'enlighten' with the theory that the particular communication was to keep him sane thus, satisfying the physical human needs, I actually thought he was just playing around being funny hence putting some sense humor into the movie. Well at least now I know. Though even after knowing this, I personally don't think I would watch a movie and consciously relate a scene in a movie with the theories I learn in Human Communication, unless it randomly struck me or I rethink about it.

Now, different culture and human communication . It is said that people in different culture can and will interpret a form of communication differently be it a word or an action and that may be a positive or negative thing.

And i just have to bring this up, it's one of the most hilarious and creative way of giving an example to the theory relating different culture and communication, Clement said and mind you i might have rephrase this: "In different culture, cranberry pies can taste differently. Some might have pork in it too!"
Okay okay. It was funnier when he said it but boy was it hilarious then!

Well that's it for now. This is me signing out.

1)Robert L. Heath & Jennings Bryant, Year 2000, Human Communication Theory and Research, 2nd Edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
2)The History of Communication,online, retrieved on 1st September 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_communication
3) BaltimoreAtHome, I Am Legend Poster, online, retrieved 1 September 2008, from http://baltimoreathome.com/dct/54/id/6127/mid/2407/I-Am-Legend.aspx


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