
Over the years, smart and intelligent people have devoted their time to researching and studying a subject which, every living and breathing human being and animal subject themsleves to in some form every moment of their life. This subject is COMMUNICATION(s), and there are various types of it like: Intrapersonal Communication, Dyadic Communication, Small group Communication, and Mass Communication. With this comes barriers as well like, Language Barriers, Emotional Barriers, and Cultural Barriers.

Here is a very short and maybe, a boring story i should add, as an example showwing communications playing a part in John's life.......

  • It's 7.30 in the morning on a monday and John wakes up saying "shit i'm late"(intrapersonal communication).
  • On the way to work, in the car he swears and curses all the other drivers and cars for causing this traffic jam.( intrapersonal communication).
  • At the office theres an important meeting about to start where he is going to present to his clients the new product he wants to sell to them (small group communication) which he successfully does. This, making his boss praising him for his effort after the meeting.(dyadic communication).
  • At his cubicle he boasts to his work mates on how he managed to come out of the meeting with a smile on his face (small group communication). But because John is an American who is currently working in India, it makes conversation hard with the people he works with. (language barrier).
At home

  • John faces yet another challenge, his indian girlfriend of 2 years has just told him that she is pregnant with his baby in a thick indian accent, which he finds hard to understand thus asking her to repeat what she said.(language barrier, dyadic communication)
  • This is not going good for John, both his and her parents are against them living together let alone get married the reason being, he's a christian and she's hindi.(cultural barriers)
  • Now both John and his girlfriend are pondering over this issue and how to solve it like its a physics question.(intrapersonal communication)

That night after dinner and a few shots of alcohol in the livng room....

  • He turns on the television and watches the news (mass communication), while countless thoughts are running through his mind(intrapersonal communication), at which point he decides to go to sleep hoping tomorrow will be a better day for him.

-jia wei-

This entry was posted on Monday, September 01, 2008 . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .